Goat Kid Waitlist Information

We reserve the right to keep any and all doelings or bucklings for our farm first and foremost, then we will offer goat kids up to our waitlist of interested parties. Our baby wait list is first come, first serve, and it is free to join. Once on it, you will be given first right of refusal in the order that you applied to the list, so you have the right to purchase or refuse the offered kid. If you choose to purchase the kid you have been offered you will need to contact us to confirm a pick-up date and time and if you would like to see the goat in person prior to pick-up as we can arrange a date and time for that as well. If you refuse to purchase the kid, then the next person on the list will be contacted and be allowed to purchase or refuse. If you do not respond within 48 hours of receiving notice of an available kid, your response will be counted as a refusal and the kid will be offered to the next person in line, so please check your email or chosen form of communication. You are free to be on the list for all breeding pairs or select a specific doe/buck pairing to be in line for. When you sign up, you will need to specify if you are wanting a buckling or a doeling. All parties interested in wether goats will be moved to the back of the list for parties interested in bucklings as bucklings will be offered intact to all interested parties first, then offered as wethers to all parties interested in a castrated goat second, but in the order they signed up to our waitlist. If you are a first time buyer, we may require a visual (photographs, in person inspection, or video) which shows the area designated for your goat(s). Goats are a herd animal, if you do not have a companion goat and are not purchasing more than 1 goat from us, we will offer you a wether goat at a discounted price if we have any available, if we do not have any suitable companion wethers, we will hold your goat for you until you get a suitable companion or we will refuse the sale. As always, we reserve the right to refuse the sale of any animal to any person for any reason, listed above or not.